Friday, December 16, 2005

Matrix Messiah

There have been several links made between the movie The Matrix and of Jesus Christ's life. The most obvious parallel is that one of the major factors in Keanu Reeves' charatcer, Neo's path is Trinity, another name for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Neo's name in the Matrix world is Thomas Anderson, quite possibly paying homage to his doubt that he is "the one" (doubting Thomas). Also, Anderson translates to son of Ander, and in greek, andros, meaning man. Son of Man, one of Jesus' nicknames.

John the Baptist said of Jesus "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is He on behalf of whom I said, 'After me comes a Man who has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me'. And I have seen, and have borne witness that this is the Son of God." Morpheus brings Neo into the real world telling everyone that he blindly believes that Neo is "the one" who will come to save them from the machine world.

As the story progresses, Cypher betrays the crew and tries to benefit by selling them out. This draws directly from Judas who betrayed Jesus.

Here's where the story gets a little turned around, as it would be tough to translate it exactly. Jesus foretold others of his death and resurection, but in The Matrix, the Oracle foretells that either Neo or Morpheus would have to die and in a passing comment said "you may be waiting for your next life," referring to the resurection. Either way, someone was going to be killed. When the crew is about to sacrifice Morpheus' life in order to save the codes of Zion, Neo decides to go in after him, knowing full well that they may be killed.

When Neo goes and saves Morpheus, Trinity and Morpheus get out of the Matrix, and Neo is last, after some fist fighting and running, he gets killed. Shortly thereafter, (not quite Jesus' 3 days) he gets up, after being saved by love of Trinity.

There are several more parallels, but I won't go into them. If you want to see more, I got these from

My main point is that out of all 3 Matrix movies, the first one is absolutely the most interesting and entertaining movie, simply because they were using the story of Jesus as a springboard instead of writing a story just to finish up the series.